Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WBT - The Core 4

There are four basic corner stones on which all other WBT structures are built on.  They are:

1. Class/Yes (the attention getter)
2. Teach / Okay (the engager)
3. Scoreboard (the motivator)
4. Mirror (the unifier)

These cornerstones create the foundation that will end challenging behavior because every student is engaged and on task by using the combination of these principles.  Here is how they work:

Begin every lesson with a variation of Class/Yes.  There are several posts on these derivatives, especially on the WBT Book Club Blog.  Use one of them to get your class' attention and then mark the scoreboard according to their response, either positive or negative (click HERE to find out how to use Class Dojo to make your scoreboard more tech savvy!). 

Then, ask the students a question and have them "teach" each other the question.  You clap twice and say "teach" they clap twice and say "okay" and then turn to their partner and repeat your question.

After this you teach SMALL snippets of information, having them teach in between to keep them engaged.  You can also have the students "mirror" your gestures as you teach.  This unifies the class and keeps them on task while you are speaking.

During the lesson, award points on the scoreboard to keep students engaged and motivated.

The video on the following Glog is AMAZING at teaching this to students for the first time.  You will also see the rules being taught, but pay attention to the Core 4.  Start small and implement just these 4 principles in your room today, and I can guarantee in a matter of a few moments you will be kicking yourself for not trying this sooner!

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