My head is SPINNING! I attended the 8th Annual WBT Conference this week in Pineville, Louisiana. 3 days with Coach B, Nancy, Farrah, and a whole team of the most amazing WBT teachers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
There was so much to learn and Coach B is absolutely astounding! His passion. His energy. His love for teachers and students. It's infectious and inspiring. This is my third time to attend the conference and every time I am rejuvenated and excited about returning to school.
I have several posts for you this summer as I continue my internship into the coming year. I hope to finally achieve WBT certified teacher.
First is my summer to-do list. You may want to use my list to help you create your own list so we can get our classrooms WBT ready for the new year. This is year I am diving in - deep end, no safety harness. It's WBT or bust.
Second, is a book study of Coach B's new book: 122 Amazing Games! available at right now! I am beyond excited to dig into this book with you. I've been reading and it is absolutely incredible! We will be synthesizing our learning of this book with the original text: Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids.
I'll be posting classroom photos as soon as I start working, lessons to accompany our basal which is now mandated throughout my district, and of course results and freebies for you! Be sure to follow my good friend Jaimee at Tying Shoes and Dots of Glue because we will be working very closely this year and will have lots to share!
I cannot wait to get started! How about a community share... what are you most looking forward to with WBT in the new year?
My favorite new strategy to try is the Mind Giants. I am super excited to implement them in my classroom this year and make them an integral part of my teaching and my students' learning.