It's finally here!!!!..... It's already here.... I'm having mixed emotions about going back to school on Monday. Kids don't start until a week from today, but that's really not swaying me toward joy or fear. I am truly excited and ready to begin the year from the teacher perspective. It's the mommy side of me that dreads leaving my little one at home for the next 10 months. I will miss her terribly, but such is the nature of working.
As promised, a sneak peek of my classroom with my WBT features...
1. Rules: I hung our 5 classroom rules in a prominent area of the classroom. Our PBIS expectations (SWAMP) also hang on this wall as "guidelines" for Rule 4. This shelf houses our supply station: pencil sharpeners, testing folders, lunch baggies to turn in money, clipboards, construction paper will go in the black stacking trays, etc.
2. One of our whole class meeting areas. Here we will have our guided reading mini-lessons, guided writing mini-lessons, CAFE strategy lessons, spelling lessons, and more. This area has no "technology" per se and lessons are based more on anchor charts created at the easel. Student literacy centers are housed in the drawers and baskets and mentor texts will be placed in the blue rack for student use. Library books are on the black shelves that border the meeting area. The shelves face outward this year to allow for more students to browse for books together.
3. The front of my room: Super Improver Wall, Objectives, Interactive Whiteboard, and Scoreboard are all featured here. The green, blue, and yellow pocket charts are used to hold small group materials the students need during work time. The blue baskets will hold writing journals. There is one basket for each class. You can also see the Wacky Star Fun Button. My kids LOOOOVE this feature! And I LOOOOVE building the suspense before I explain it!
4. Teacher Work Area: This is both another whole-class meeting area and my "home base" or desk if you will. The cabinet with the red curtains rolls so I can move it around the room (some) and it holds my teaching computer - the one I use with the projector and the Mimio. If you look closely you can see my teacher toolbox, plus a file box I use to organize the weekly/monthly/unit papers as I prepare them.
5. Kid computer area
6. Small Group Teacher Instruction - Here I keep future unit papers as I find them, a few more supplies, professional development books, and small group materials for Intervention. This is where I will meet with my groups for any type of intervention.
This year my Power Pix will be digital - adding them to a Smart Notebook filebook. I may even print out a sheet of them for student binders. I haven't figured that out yet. I'm also thinking that my Genius Ladder will be digital, but I may create an anchor chart that I can use on a regular basis. Finally, I need to print the Brainy Cards and decide where to put them in my room.
What have you included in your room this year to gear up for a fabulous WBT year full of Funtricity? Leave a post in the comments and let me know what you've included in your room this year!